Arabic ashta / القشطه العربيه

Arabic ashta is a Middle Eastern cream that is used in many Middle Eastern desserts or eaten by itself with fruit, nuts, and a drizzle of honey. It’s a delicious creamy dessert, simple to make yet so delicious.

Ashta is commonly used in many Middle Eastern desserts, particularly with phyllo dough and kataifi shredded dough

Arabic ashta is also often incorporated into fruit cocktails and avocado cocktails.

Here’s a revised version:

To make Arabic ashta, we follow two simple steps: first, we make ricotta cheese, and second, we create a thick cream mixture, then we combine both. You have the option to use store-bought ricotta cheese instead of making it at home, but it’s also quite simple to prepare.

✨Ricotta cheese:✨

  •    – 2 L full-fat milk
  •    – 1/3 cup vinegar

✨Cream mix✨

  •    – 1 L full fat milk
  •    – 1/3 cup sugar or sweetner
  •    – 6 to 7 tbsp cornstarch
  •    – 2 tsp rose water
  •    – 2 tsp orange blossom water

1. In a pot, add 2 L of full-fat milk. When it warms up after a couple of minutes, add vinegar and mix until it starts to separate.

2. Leave it for a couple of minutes until the liquid becomes clearer. Then, strain the cheese and remove any excess water. Set it aside.

3. In another pot, combine 1 L of milk, sugar, cornstarch, orange blossom water, and rose water. Mix everything together, then turn on the heat.

4. Keep stirring to prevent sticking to the bottom.

5. When the mixture thickens, add the ricotta cheese that was prepared earlier. Mix everything together until smooth and well combined.

6. Pour the mixture into a plate, cover it well, then refrigerate for a couple of hours before using or serving.

7. Serve it with Middle Eastern desserts or alone with fruit or nuts, or both together, and a drizzle of honey or simple syrup.


-Make sure to use full-fat milk to get a good amount of ricotta cheese and rich flavor in the ashta. Using low-fat milk won’t yield the same results.

-Arabic ashta will last in the fridge for up to one week if you store it in a tightly closed container.

-Arabic ashta can be placed in the freezer for up to 3 months. When you need it, simply take it out and defrost it. If you notice any water, just place it in a strainer or use a paper towel to squeeze out any excess water.

-Instead of sugar, you can use any other sweetener that you prefer.

-You have the option to use store-bought ricotta cheese instead of making it at home.

1 thought on “Arabic ashta / القشطه العربيه”

  1. Pingback: Ashta baklava rolls - Baiti Ana

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