
lebanese kaak

Kaak is a traditional Lebanese soft and fluffy cookie. People often make it in the winter and when the weather is cold, but you’ll want to make it all year long because that’s how good it is. Kaak is made with simple ingredients, and you can substitute them to your liking. For example, if you

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Baklava Cheesecake

Baklava cheesecake going to be your new favorite baked cheesecake, It’s so delicious!! The perfect combination between baklava and cheese cake crispy from the outside and creamy from the inside. ✨Ingredients✨ 1 package phyllo 1/2 cup melted ghee or butter Crushed pistachios for the topping Rose petals for decorating (optional) 1/2 cup Simple syrup or

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Hrisi Khafih

I love knafih and Hrisi bil ashta so I combined both recipes together and turned out so delicious!! If you are like me love both desserts you are going to love this one. * Ingredients: 200 g shredded Mozzarella cheese Oil to brush the pan Crushed Pistachios for topping Edible rose petals (optional) for decorating

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