lebanese kaak

Kaak is a traditional Lebanese soft and fluffy cookie. People often make it in the winter and when the weather is cold, but you’ll want to make it all year long because that’s how good it is.

Kaak is made with simple ingredients, and you can substitute them to your liking. For example, if you can’t find orange blossom water and rose water, you can replace them with vanilla extract

The Kaak spice is a mix of anise, cloves, nutmeg, fennel, cinnamon, mahlab, and some people add turmeric and cardamom.

8 cups flour
3 eggs
3 cups sugar or less if you don’t like it sweet
1 cup melted butter or vegetable oil
1 cup warm milk
1 tbsp orange blossom water
1 tbsp rose water
1 tbsp black seed
2 tbsp kaak spice
2 1/2 tbsp baking powder (leveled) you can add 3 tbsp if you like it extra fluffy but it will loose the design.
2 tbsp vegetable oil+ more for brushing the mold
Sesame seeds
Milk for brushing

1: mix sugar and eggs together.
2: add melted butter, warm milk, rose and orange blossom water, black seeds and kaak spice.
3: mix all together good.
4: add flour and baking powder.
5: mix all together knead till you form a soft dough.

6: brush the mold with oil then oil your hands to prevent from sticking.

7: Take a small piece of dough, round it, dip it in sesame seeds, then press it on the mold. Afterward, take it out and place it on the baking tray lined with parchment paper.

8: Bake in a preheated oven at 450°F for 8 to 9 minutes, then broil for 1 minute or until golden in color.

9: After taking the kaak out of the oven, brush it with milk, then place it on a cooling rack.

10: Store in a Ziploc bag or airtight container.


Add last cup of flour slowly might need less or more flour brand to another make a difference

To get soft kaak bake at high heat

You can use oil instead of butter the difference with oil comes more fluffy with butter more flaky

The cooking time may vary from one oven to another, so start checking at 7 minutes.

The mold I used can be found in Middle Eastern stores or on Amazon. In my Amazon shop.

you can use any mold you like or shape them into the form you prefer.

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